Archive for February, 2008|Monthly archive page

Africa was Awesome!!

My trip to Africa was fantastic,  I went over on a team with a lot of great people, and met some really wonderful local people as well.  The children were great, and I definitely had a couple of favourites that I would of brought home in my suitcase if I could.  The weather was really nice and hot and dry.  We helped them with digging a trench to lay a water pipe from their water tower, installed the dividers and doors for in their new washrooms, and sorted out medication for where it would be most beneficial among other things.  We also had a chance to go on a safari one day, and we saw elephants, antelope, baboons, wild boar’s, and crocodiles.  It was a fantastic time, and too short of a trip.  If anyone is interested in more information on the Village of Hope in Burkina Faso please just send me an email.
